Marie Maxey Foundation
Annual Report 2022
During 2022, we received $7,304 in donations from 14 donors and provided $4,500 in scholarships,1 $2,700 for a preventative healthcare program in Honduras,2 student support (gift cards) - $250, administrative costs of $420.3 Total expenditures in 2022 were $7,620. Administrative expenses were 5 percent of total expenditures.
1. Scholarships - 9 scholarships were awarded in 2022. Four went to graduating seniors from Bryant High School -- $500 each to (1) Jennifer Cisneros, (2) Katherine Alcantara, (3) Thameli Bustamante and (4) Carlos Galida Lucero. These students are still in the process of entering post-secondary education and apprenticeship programs. The funding is reserved for them and is expected to be made available in 2023. An additional five scholarships were awarded at $500 each to Edwin Cruz, Nicole Saenz, Daniela Gomez, Madison Graham, and Juliana Jimenez. The total for scholarships in 2022 was $4,500.
2. Preventative Healthcare Program – Expenditures included (1) blood pressure measuring machines ($250), (2) AED/CPR equipment ($908) & training ($275), (3) shipping to Honduras ($300), (4) audio-visual public outreach – Hearts United ($500), AED/CPR training ($178), and (6) youth outreach – 250 coloring books with crayons ($289). The total for the preventative healthcare program was $2,700.
3. Administrative Costs - These costs amounted to fiver percent of total expenditures in 2022 and included website registration and annual fee ($300) and Constant Contact subscription ($120).